Glasgow Ultimate

Local Clubs

There is a wealth of Ultimate in and around Glasgow and everyone should be able to find something to suit their level. The Glasgow Ultimate community has grown significantly over the past few years and you will now find Glasgow represented at all major competitions in all divisions and forms of the game by one of the teams below.

Club Ultimate

Glasgow Mixed Ultimate

Aka. Foxes, GUX

Divisions: Mixed, Women 

UK National Championships 2023

Who we are:

Boasting over a hundred active members, Glasgow Ultimate competes in indoor and outdoor club competitions in the open, mixed and womens’ divisions. We aim to train and compete at the highest level possible, provide training and game time to developing players and hold club training sessions for all abilities. We also run a number of local leagues, tournaments and events. 

Join trainings: 

When? Generally Wednesday evenings. 

Where? In the summer either in Victoria Park or at Hillhead. Follow or message us to find out more about up-to-date training times and how to join us!

Deep Dish Discs

Aka. DDD

Divisions: Mixed – Outdoors, Beach

Who we are:


Join Trainings:

When: Thursdays evenings (summer)

Where: Glasgow Green (summer). Follow or message us to find out more about up-to-date training times!

Brave Hucks

Aka. Brave Ducks, Grave Hucks

Divisions: Mixed – Outdoors, Indoors

Who we are:

Brave Hucks ia all about inclusive and creative Ultimate focus on joy, laughs, flow and connection. Players at Brave Hucks range from people with months to over ten years of experience, and welcomes both people who want to play recreationally as well as people who want to develop and play at their best. All levels, ages, backgrounds, abilities welcome! 

Join Trainings:

When: Tuesday evenings (summer and winter)

Where: Either Glasgow Green (summer) or Super Soccer (winter). Follow or message us to find out more about up-to-date training times!


University Ultimate

Glasgow University Ultimate

Aka. Farflung

Divisions: Open, Mixed + Women
(Indoor + Outdoors)

Strathclyde University Ultimate

Aka. Dark Horses

Divisions: Open, Mixed + Women
(Indoor + Outdoors)