Glasgow Ultimate

The Home of Ultimate in Glasgow

This site is a resource for all Ultimate players in Glasgow, as well as giving you all the information you’ll need to get started if you’re new to the sport, new to Glasgow, or just want to find out more about us (i.e. you are a spy). For existing Glasgow Ultimate players we hope to provide you with updates on what is going on in the community, let you know about important events that are coming up, and promote communication/co-operation between all of the clubs.

Upcoming Events

Glasgow One Day

Glasgow One Day

Coming Soon....

Here you can find all of the latest information surrounding our latest event!


For further updates our trainings, tournaments, social events, open days, leagues and more, you can keep up to date with all things Glasgow Ultimate by viewing our latest events on our calendar.

Not found what you’re looking for? You can also keep up to date on our social media platforms: 


Local Clubs

We at GU are also heavily engrained into the local ultimate community, helping grow and foster the talent of Glasgow’s two well-established University Clubs as well as several non-university teams that participate at all levels of the sport, in all divisions. Take a look at our Local Teams page to get a feel for what is available to you.

Youth Ultimate

We have several qualified coaches within our club that are available to run taster sessions and skills clinics or even help to set up teams or leagues for your school, community club or workplace. We also have regular juniors sessions where we coach kids. You can find out more here:



Finally, this site will also feature write-ups of Glasgow-wide practices and links to other interesting/useful ultimate related sites. These reviews will summarise the main points covered and will contain links to relevant background materials; in this way the site should become an invaluable training resource. These summaries can be found in our Training section.