Knowing Me, Knowing You
I’ve been trying to write this blog post for far too long – mainly because over the course of the season i’ve had to rewrite it a fair number of times due to the subject matter i’ve wanted to talk about: The Identity of Glasgow Ultimate. Personally, i’ve had plenty of times where i’ve been […]
What everyone should know when teaching ultimate to freshers
This article is a guide for experienced university players on how to teach basic catching and throwing techniques to incoming freshers, and how to play with and against the freshers at the start of the year. When experienced players are able to teach basic techniques to incoming players, the speed at which freshers improve increases […]
Can Far Flung be a Div1 Team?
So far we have read about university level leadership and development, having survived the AGM I think I’ll leave that subject well alone, then Dick told us all about ulti down under, given you’d stop reading now if I followed a similar route of discussing my pre-Glasgow career I’m going to write about how to […]
A wee perspective on ultie down under
The line’s been called; they’ve pulled. Game on. Shaun picks up the disc, but doesn’t take the early offload. He’s held it too long now and he’s looking to me for the dump. Where to cut? The obvious option is an international perspective on Ultimate in Scotland. I can see Shaun’s suggested it so I […]
University Club Leadership and Development (pt 2)
Part one of this post can be found here Transition Of Club Administrative Positions The committee’s job is to keep the boat afloat, find novel ways to attract new passengers and aim to transform the club from tug boat to tanker to cruise liner. But it is also your duty to help the new crew […]
University Club Leadership and Development (pt 1)
Prologue [singlepic id=47 w=320 h=240 float=left]Far Flung and I have been on/off lovers for around 13 years. I first met her as a fresh faced beginner, fell in love as a national champion, finally agreed to be her first team captain in my post-grad year and now have the privilege of watching our children grow […]